September 25, 2007

getting my cap on

This past Rosh Hashanah I decided to make an effort to use recycled fabrics and materials in my creative work; thinking about how much waste we create on this life, especially as first-world consumers, feels heavy. It's a pithy new year sentiment but it really feels right to limit my consumption of new goods. All those yards of denim, sewn up into american jeans- what happens when the knees blow? Landfill? Why not something lovely and useful instead? So here come some denim caps...

These thumbnails are of the last cap completed for a custom order. I'm currently taking orders for denim and corduroy caps, with or without barn swallow applique. If you are interested, please email me at I'm turning orders in less than a week- that's almost immediate gratification, folks!

Here are some typed size tags. I love my typewriter; what a trusty rusty friend it is! Below are a few barn swallows in various swoops.

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